
Audits are the most comprehensive level of assurance obtainable for financial reporting. Audits help maintain compliance, provide insight for management to improve internal controls, and help manage other risk areas. They involve an examination of financial assertions presented in the form of financial statements by testing underlying records, accounting procedures, and financial controls. BSB provides auditing services to a variety of industries. Our financial reporting services provide a clear image of your company’s performance, as well as its potential. As we gain an understanding of your specific business, we will strive to advise you in a proactive way, so you can take your company to the next level of success.

Not for Profit Audits

Services provided to our not-for-profit and foundation clientele represent organizations supporting charities, trade associations, fine arts, youth associations, special interest lobbying groups, humanitarian endeavors and community services.

Nonpublic Audits

Our for-profit clients are engaged in a variety of industries such as construction and land development, computer software and hardware, printing and reproduction, government contracting, and telecommunications services.

Small Business Audits

Small businesses can gain a lot from having a better understanding of their financial position. Benefits of regular audits include improved interest rates, increased protection from risk and legal liabilities and access to more capital. A financial review or audit can also give a business owner a better understanding of how their business operates, uses cash and assumes risk. Learn more about our small business audits.

Do You Need An Audit?

We often get calls from clients or prospective clients stating that they need audited financial statements for their business.  Our first question is: Why?  An audit is a very commonly used word that most people have heard of but many people don’t understand what it means.  A financial statement audit involves taking an in-depth look at a company’s financial records, internal controls, processes, and procedures.  During an audit we will test samples of financial transactions, meet with and interview employees at various levels within the organization, and spend time on site observing the processes involved in the preparation and recording of accounting transactions. Ultimately, the goal of our audit will be to give an opinion on the financial statements, which provides a level of assurance on the quality of the financial statements to various users such as management, lenders, investments, and others in the community.

Many business owners who think they need an audit can actually get by with a more cost-effective review or compilation.  Both levels of services are less in scope than an audit but will result in a set of financial statements accompanied by an accountant’s report.  If an outside third party, such as a lender or bonding agent, is requesting audited financial statements, we can discuss with them if a review or compilation might meet their needs instead.  This results in a significant cost savings over the more expensive audit engagement.

Burdette Smith & Bish provide audit, review, and compilation services and can also help you understand which level of service is right for your business needs.  Our firm employs over forty professional accountants. We provide a variety of services to businesses and not-for-profits around the United States.

Have questions? Please contact us for a consultation.